Строительство » Only certified employees
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Only certified employees

  • 4-04-2018, 13:34

In this specialized electrical installation company, you can order turnkey electrical installation or you can order partial work in specific places and individual premises of the house. When installing electrical wiring in a complex of services, a cable can be laid for the organization of round -the -clock video surveillance in the cottage or in the house. This requires laying the cable to the protection of the security, as well as all relevant works. In addition to installation work, you can carry out electrical equipment of security equipment in the house. Note that the company performs all work only under the contract and provides guarantees. Only certified employees work here, so there is no doubt as the work performed. Order installation work of electrical wiring from the company <<Smart Electric>> will save money, since special offers for customers always apply here. The company's engineer for measurement and drawing up the plan leave for free. An individual project is being developed for each client, and this is also done free of charge.

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