Строительство » 3 ways to get rid of algae in the pool
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3 ways to get rid of algae in the pool

  • 24-07-2018, 18:34

3 ways to get rid of algae in the pool

You are in gloom from the fact that the water in your pool has acquired an unpleasant green -oriented or yellow -horned or black color? These flowers show that your pool occupied algae. Green and blue algae are most common in home pools - they are attracted to unclean places. This is why you should constantly include a filtering system. To the part, this type of algae is most simply destroyed. Yellow or mustard algae grow on the walls of the pool spots in those areas that do not receive enough sun. It will get rid of them harder (super chlorination will be required). Black algae are the most disgusting of all, but they appear relatively rarely. These algae differ in their own mind and strong roots, which germinate inside the plaster of the basin walls, if you carefully care for it. To get rid of black algae, super chlorination and manual cleaning with boars and brushes need.

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