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Automatom" Audi-S-Tronic.

  • 17-08-2018, 16:01

Both engines are equipped with either the manual transmission, or with the OPC. quickly. "Automatom" Audi-S-Tronic. Small to shake in Germany - 33 eight hundred euros. As before, the proposed Wupe, Roadster grew up in the dimensions of the compliance with the fashion model of the previous generation - by 14 centimeters in the longitude and 8 in width. Therefore, and also a new, more solid, the top cleaning system, the size of the luggage compartment waved it for forty l and is now, unmarried from whether the roof is collected or multiplied, 250 liters. The counterparty preferred a 6-cylinder TT, electr. cleaning. The top controlled by the key in the lobby steps into serial assembly. Owners of 4-cylinder relatives will offer this option for an additional salary of 1050 euros. By the birth of the implementations of the punishment, its aircraft engine ruler will be layered by 2 gasoline engines-4 cylinder two, a 0-liter rectifier with an unconditional injection of alcohol, TFSI, power power 200 liters. With. and 3, two-liter V6, developing 250 liters. With. At the same time, the 1st unit broadcasts the twisting instant tokmo on the front eyes, and the 2nd, more hellish-for all about all 4. A 2-seater car with a chubby roof is smoothly released both in the front-wheel drive, so species, Quattro, modifications, strong stories about the stand that the company is likely predisposed to arm the new product until they have made official evidence.4 cylinder Motor,. Already at 1800 rpm, the largest rotating moment 280 Nm, forced the car up to one hundred kilometers per hour for 6, five seconds and to a worst speed of 237 kilometers per hour. According to reliable information of the car manufacturer,. Fuel consumption - seven, 8 l/one hundred kilometers. With 250-horsepower V6 (the largest MIG 320 Nm at 2500 rpm) Roadster comes one hundred-kilometer speed after five, nine seconds of sprint. Its fucked swiftness is 250 kilometers per hour, and SR. Money for fuel accommodation nine, five l/one hundred kilometers. For fifty auxiliary l. With., a complex drive and noticeably more thorough assembly by the upcoming customers of the Rogster with the V6 will have to pay extra, by a four -cylinder modification, an endlessly ten 000 euros.

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