Строительство » Comparative characteristics of Japanese SUVs
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Comparative characteristics of Japanese SUVs

  • 5-09-2018, 13:55

Comparative characteristics of Japanese SUVs

Read more about these cars. We decided to compare the most Japanese SUVs beloved by Russians. What suits us better. And what problems can occur on the roads. What do you think, they justified orders on RAV 4, which began to arrive since February 2013. The Russians liked this car in any model. As for RAV4, no global changes are. But the Toyota crossover acquired a diesel engine. But for harsh men, Honda CR-V is released, which has been available since November 2012. The first models were not very fast, which had an engine from 2.0 and 2.4 liters. This is not a lot to agree. New CR-V car with 2.4 liter engine only in 2013. Some say that the Japanese designer school makes the same models. But the new type CR-V is not at all like the previous model. Only if headlights are not very strong. The Japanese in the new Rav4 do a male designer completely. Nissan Prairie is not very difficult to buy in Ukraine. Designer RAV4. Many noticed that this car is behind Ford Kuga, or Mazda CX-5. As for Honda, this car is more exclusive. Its exclusive execution of the back. First opinion, when you see a Honda car, then the idea arises that it is a humpbacked. Toyota RAV4 interior: It is better to buy Nissan Prairie in Ukraine a car like many girls in photographs look better than live. The salon is made in a clear conscience, but it looks gloomy. Even leather finish does not help to smell gray paints. Devices, also do not have any highlight everything is very simple. As for the buttons, so their designer has not been cheated for more than 15 years. It is not at all clear why to give more than 1,500,000 million rubles for such a salon. Even a fan of this brand has fed such a design. If you like to drive off -road, then this car can attract you. Due to the fact that the sofa is folded, the car becomes incredibly spacious. This machine has a consumption of 100 kilometers 15 liters. HONDACAL EXTIVE OF A CARNICAL transitions. Nissan Prairie to buy in Ukraine is much cheaper and more practical. In CR-V, the most important plus is noise insulation. Brown color prevails in the cabin. The machine compared to RAV4 is certainly closer. There are buttons on the steering wheel, well, not at all, by the way, since it is completely inconvenient to use them. As for loading heights, it has less CR-V than Rav4. The consumption of this car is slightly smaller and can enter 12 liters per 100 kilometers on city roads.

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