Строительство » Complaints of drivers via the Internet
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Complaints of drivers via the Internet

  • 5-09-2018, 16:56

Complaints of drivers via the Internet

Natalya Kataeva, who is currently the deputy head of the apparatus of the mayor and the government of the city of Moscow, said that soon the residents of the capital will be given the opportunity to file a complaint against drivers of city buses and minibuses. There will be a special mournful column on the new portal of Moscow, where any citizen can leave his message with claims. Already in the fall, the complaint form will be formed, where it is necessary to make the number of the route, the description of the fact of the violation, the time of the event and the number of the minibus. There will be the so -called rating of behavior of public transport drivers with assessments of their actions. As Yuri Sveshnikov, the Executive Director of the Moscow Transport Union, noted, at the moment, complaints about the unworthy behavior of drivers can be transferred to the Department of Transport, where they carefully check the current situation and react in the necessary way. Fearing that competitors will begin to complain about each other in a new online service, which will lead to meaningless and unpleasant trial. Sveshnikov noted to indicate all the data that may relate to the situation. The organization "City and Transport", led by its expert Alexander Moroz, believes that the rating should be held without any comments and calculated in points. A. Frost claims that it is often difficult for employers to understand whether complaints about a particular driver are random or are constant in nature. Most often, public transport passengers complain of talking on the phone, loudly sounding music and rudeness of the driver. Unpleasant and smell of cigarettes that the driver smokes when the bus moves. They fight this first of all, even want to ban electronic cigarettes. Sometimes drivers do not stop at stops or do not transfer change. And the drivers themselves are not enthusiastic about the fines and the 10-hour work schedule. A large shit of personnel and provides such troubles along the way.

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