Строительство » Do I need to check the brake system?
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Do I need to check the brake system?

  • 12-09-2018, 15:01

Do I need to check the brake system?

Each motorist knows how much depends on the work of the brake system. Therefore, you need to follow its condition. If you notice an increase in the brake route, the appearance of strong vibration on the steering wheel, if the machine periodically enters the right or to the left during braking, then it is necessary to diagnose the brake system, and as soon as possible. If there are no complaints, then for the prevention and identification of hidden defects, diagnostics can be done once a year, as part of maintenance. In this case, the car must be prepared for diagnosis. It is necessary to wash the car in advance so that the car stops on the control line with clean and dry wheels - these are the requirements of the standards. The diagnosis itself consists of three main stages - at first experts measure the resistance of free rolling wheels (a change in this indicator can be caused not only by a defect in the bearings, but also by rubbing the pads). Then the roundness of the brake drums is measured. And at the third stage, measurements of maximum brake efforts are performed. This indicator, together with data on the mass of the car, is used to calculate an important indicator. This is the effectiveness of the brake system as a whole. The latter is considered as a specific brake force coefficient, and the level of this indicator should be at least 0.5 (and for new cars at 0.7-0.8). In addition, during the diagnosis, the parking brake system is necessarily checked. Based on the results of the diagnosis, the appropriate protocol is compiled. Of course, the owner of the car is not obliged to understand the normative values of the coefficients. So often the information is also displayed in a graphic form so that you can understand whether the brake system needs good. Diagnostics of the car must be carried out by specialists at the stand. After all, a visual inspection does not give all the necessary information. Even the best diagnostician after a visual inspection can only establish that the system is proper or, conversely, faulty. And without testing at the stand, he will not have information about what exactly the problem is. So you should not refuse diagnosis carried out according to all the rules, especially since it does not take so much time. For all tests, paperwork and recommendations will take no more than half an hour.

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