Строительство » How to recognize a broken car: what you need to know
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How to recognize a broken car: what you need to know

  • 18-10-2018, 13:00

How to recognize a broken car: what you need to know

Recognize a bastard car or not?-it's not so simple, but it’s still possible to find out about this now. It will be about used cars, because new (in salons), even if they had been damaged by a long time, everything was restored for a long time, and as if nothing had been nothing. Dealers do not want to spoil their reputation, so even sometimes the most professional auto expert was hard to say there was a car in an accident or not. Better let's talk about the most repaired cars, t. e. With mileage. As a rule, you can find any car on a car market and broken, and drowned, and repaired after a fire, in general, as they say, "taste" and "color". The worst thing is that of course no one will even say anything about, and buying such a car, in a month it can simply "fall apart".The choice of a used car, you need to approach more responsibly, and you carefully need to treat everything from the inspection of the car itself before inspection of documents. Let's just touch the topic of inspection of the car, so to speak: "To identify its history".If the street is a bright light, or you examine the car in artificial lighting then: you should carefully look at the reflection, if the car was broken, it will not be uniform. Also, a new paint of parts, which differs slightly from the main coloring of the body, is very clearly visible on the bathes. If the car was not removed on the car, but repaired, then try to determine this? Yes, it’s very simple, look at the car itself from different sides, it should not be a “blow” on one side, her specific details (for example, the door) should not differ from the entire body with its shape. And you can also determine the fact of disassembling the parts of the car, carefully inspect the nuts on the doors, etc. p. They should not be damaged if the heads already have the wrong shape, the part is disassembled and collected repeatedly. By the way, the disassembly of the parts can be determined by the "plugs" on the door sheathing, if they are broken, it means it was also repeatedly removed or repaired. You may also interest you at a favorable price. You can determine the broken car by the details themselves: let's carefully look at the headlights, their optics should not differ if one headlight has a very transparent glass and the other does not, it is accurately replaced. Always remember, if the car is not new, so its choice needs to be taken more carefully.

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