Строительство » How to use a seat belt
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How to use a seat belt

  • 19-10-2018, 14:53

How to use a seat belt

Safety and reliability are very important in the car, so it is necessary to choose high -quality safety belts and other protecting elements (pillows, fasteners, etc. D.). When conducting various studies aimed at testing the strength of the safety belts and their effectiveness in emergency situations, the following conclusions were made: if passengers do not use fasteners and belt belt Nissan Almera Classic, then at the time of collision on an adult, which is located on the front sitting, a force of 2 tons acts, 500 kg per child.; Passengers in the back seat in the collision give an additional load on the first, as a result of which they are badly injured themselves and harm others are harmful. Most often not fastened people throws through the window, which is why injuries may turn out to be fatal. Therefore, the use of seat belts is necessary! How to fix the seat belts properly, it is necessary to correctly attach the belts on the body so that they hold it well. First adjust the tension at the belt, which should be strong enough, and the safety belt itself is tightly wrapped in diagonally the upper body. In no case are you in the cabin of the car in a lying position when it is in motion! By this, you increase the likelihood of head injuries and back. Automatic control of belt tension control has greatly simplified their use. Remember that automation in this case is initially set for your parameters that change with a large amount of clothing. Because of it, there is a decrease in contact between the belt and body of the person, which is why the retention occurs with a significant delay and poor reaction. If we consider the technical condition of the belts: if they have lost their fastener, stretched or torn at the edges, be sure to replace them. And do not forget that for children under 10-12 years old it is necessary to use a special chair that is strengthened in the rear seat.

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