Строительство » Official details about the new model Kia pro_cee'd gt
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Official details about the new model Kia pro_cee'd gt

  • 30-11-2018, 14:59

Official details about the new model Kia pro_cee'd gt

Kia for the first time in its history is preparing to imagine a direct opponent VW Golf GTI. The debut of an amazing Pro_cee'D GT compartment will take place in the spring on the car show in Geneva. As assumed, Pro_cee'D GT will take its strength from 201 of a strong gasoline engine with a supercharger, a volume of 1.6 liters. But this is less than that of classmates such as Ford Focus ST with 247 liters. With. and Astra VXR with a power of 276 liters. With. The new compartment from Kia is distinguished by exclusive LED running lights that are integrated into an aggressive front bumper. The grid of the radiator grille is decorated with thin red stripes and the GT icon. On the compartment installed cast discs with the 18th radius and red brake calipers. Have not forgotten about a double exhaust pipe. Sports leather seats of the famous RECARO brand, which are stitched with red stitch. The steering wheel, as well as door maps, are lined with skin with a red line on which the branded logo GT is embroidered. Unlike most competitors of this class, Pro_cee'D GT will be available only with a six-speed manual. Acceleration to a hundred will be 7.9 seconds, it is 1.4 seconds slower than the new Golf GTI with an engine power 217 liters. With. It is known that the car will be focused on a European buyer. Pro_cee'D GT compartment will have a hard suspension and sports steering. KIA will offer several options for configuring the salon for GT. The most maximum equipment will be based on the current Cee'D 4TECH flagship, and will include a leather decoration of a salon, a 7.1 -inch -sensor touch screen and satellite navigation, as well as a rear view camera and Park Assist System. The new Pro_cee'D GT compartment will enter the dealer network in the middle of this year, the cost will start from $ 33,000.

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