Строительство » Preliminary test race for mini in Spain
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Preliminary test race for mini in Spain

  • 11-12-2018, 17:00

Preliminary test race for mini in Spain

All pilots of the Mini WRC - Dani Sordo team (Dani Sordo) and Chris Mick should finish their two -day test in Spain today, who can increase all the capabilities of the team to take the third place on the pedestal. Although he suffered a gathering in Spain Mick, which was associated with technical problems, as well as an accident at a very high speed, which also led to France in France. Sortedly achieved the third place in Germany and practically reached the victory in France, but still ultimately remained in second place, because he lagged behind the winner of Sebastian Khujier by 6.3 seconds. And Ford Mini spent his small tests compared to Citroen, even despite the fact that John Cooper Works WRC is located at an early stage of development. Only the team was held by a short test of all installations before the last stage in France. The head of the team David Richards (David Richards) (if something new is installed by car, then, of course, of course, that you all must check. If nothing has changed, namely, I must notice that after the German rally, nothing has changed to the French rally, then there is no special importance. Sometimes people deceive themselves very much. They ride a circle after a circle, pretending to somehow improve the situation, although in many cases they just spend money for nothing. You must concentrate all your resources, like your attention, exactly where they are best useful. Richards also admits that he did not expect such a quick success at all, and therefore also added that this was an extremely early success in the development of such a new car, and we did not expect that we would still achieve victory. But I think that this is the most real evidence of the work of the technical team, because they managed to literally assemble a very fast and reliable car directly from the box. Regarding Spain, this is the birthplace of Dani, and I am sure that he will try for the third time in a row to call for the pedestal. I also know that Chris will attach all the forces in order to finish. I am also sure that with the speed that he was able to show him, his position will be very strong.

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