Строительство » Properties of the wheels "Nissan Sunny Club
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Properties of the wheels "Nissan Sunny Club

  • 12-12-2018, 19:00

Properties of the wheels "Nissan Sunny Club

Wheel disks are the most important component of the car. The quality of controllability of the car and the stability of transport depends on them only. Wheel disks are divided into two types: discs made of simple alloys, and disks made of steel. Steel discs are created on the basis of stamping from the sheet, and then turning into discs by welding. This option is very high quality and cheap - that is why so many drivers prefer to buy cars on steel disks. Advantages of steel discs: 1) a unique possibility of restoration of the wheels; 2) cheapness; disadvantages of steel disks: 1) stability to corrosion is small, the reason is the quality of the coating. Disks covered with electrophoresis or enamel have low corrosion resistance; 2) heavy weight; 3) small accuracy of production; discs made of light alloys are considered the best and best quality. Such discs can have different colors in their assortment, they have the accuracy of production, easily remove heat from the brake unit. The most important advantage is considered to be extraordinary ease. After all, the easier wheels are easier in mass, the lower the total weight of the unsproved parts of the transport. Such advantages can be attributed to all products. It is important to know how and from what material the wheels were produced. Disks of simple alloys can be divided into cast and forged. Cast discs have a granular property of metal, by the way, their only minus. After all, with prolonged riding, small cracks may appear that will once show their true face. Forged discs are very durable and hard. This type of disk tolerates strong blows very well, there are no cracks, rubber remains intact and safety. It is safe to ride on such wheels.

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