Строительство » Roll Electric I Electral Power - EPS. Advantages, disadvantages
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Roll Electric I Electral Power - EPS. Advantages, disadvantages

  • 18-12-2018, 20:06

Roll Electric I Electral Power - EPS. Advantages, disadvantages

In modern cars, instead of a steering hydraulger, an electric power is used. What are the advantages of it compared to hydraulic power steering that many world manufacturers began to use EPS to produce new car models. Is everything smooth enough, when using this device, or there are still some problems when operating? What is the steering power steering? This device is a system that allows you to wind the steering wheel, which facilitates control, thanks to the electric drive. The system and installed sensors in it can provide the same effort, when managing at different speeds and different angles of turns. EPS is an electronic system, so it requires constant testing and diagnostics for its high -quality work. Moreover, in order to conduct diagnostics you need to have special equipment, so it is best to contact at the maintenance station. Advantages EPS: 1) The main advantage is the absence of a pipeline and valves, it does not need a liquid. 2) Electronics work regardless of whether the engine is opened or not, so it is easy to control the car when driving or in the parking lot. 3) the electric power is not constantly working, it is included in the work only when there is little effort from the steering wheel. It is more promising in energy conservation than a hydraulic drive. 4) the electric power ensures the same control of the car in any conditions. EPS disadvantages: Electric power steering quite loads the vehicle of the car. Therefore, in order to be confident in the serviceability of the electric power, it must be periodically diagnosed and maintained.

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