Строительство » Sales of the new Nissan Terrano will begin in Russia in the summer
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Sales of the new Nissan Terrano will begin in Russia in the summer

  • 19-12-2018, 17:37

Sales of the new Nissan Terrano will begin in Russia in the summer

The Nissan Terrano car is a SUV well -loved in the world, but in many countries, including in Russia, it was sold under the Nissan Pathfinder brand. This car is positioned as a medium -size SUV and is located between Nissan Murano and Nissan Patrol in size. Status design, excellent handling, good cross -country ability and excellent dynamics - these are the main advantages of this car. The previous model went on sale of 2.5 and 3.0 liter turbodiesel engines and 4.0 and 5.6 liter gasoline engines, with 5-speed automatic gearboxes and 6-speed mechanical gearboxes. And so, a new model of this car, only under the Nissan Terrano brand, sales of which will start in the summer to enter the Russian market. The new Nissan Terrano has all the features of Nissan off -road vehicles: a chrome radiator grille, a front bumper to the color of the body and fastening on the roof of an arched shape. In addition, 16-inch alloy dark discs will give the car a special charm. This SUV is not only hardy and reliable, but also stylish and attractive. Among other things, this car will satisfy all the needs related to comfort. Five comfortable seats, spacious overhead, light and large salon. In addition, if you are going to travel, then your luggage will fit into the trunk without any problems, and if you need to load large baggage, you can fold not only the rear seats, but also the front passenger. Excellent management, achieved thanks to a balanced traction distribution system, will make you feel the safety of driving. Nissan Terrano will be sold in several engine variations: 2-liter gasoline (135 liters. With.) with an automatic 4-step gearbox and 1.6-liter (102 liters. With.) with a 6-step manual gearbox. Thanks to powerful brake discs, the ABS system and the EBD system, you will keep any situation on the road under control, and the road lumen will allow you to drive off -road, not afraid to hurt the car's bottom on the uneven road.

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