Строительство » Technical characteristics of Lexus GS300
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Technical characteristics of Lexus GS300

  • 9-01-2019, 12:30

Technical characteristics of Lexus GS300

The GS300 Lexus car is very powerful and high -speed, its first appearance on the market has been recorded since 1993. In 1997, he underwent strong changes that helped to adapt this brand to the modern requirements of the warmer.. The car was equipped with an on -board computer and a modernized navigation system. The developers of the car must be said a lot of thanks, since they worked hard on the technical characteristics of the GS300 Lexus, but more on that later. Now we’ll talk a little about the car itself in general. Also, the authors did not ignore the external and internal view of the car itself. The external design that Italian experts developed has a more modern and charismatic look. As in all cars of the Lexus brand, this model has a comfortable salon made without any comments. Additional functions include the established zonal air conditioning of the entire machine as a whole, seats with a heating function and much more, which brings greater comfort when using the car. Well, now let's move directly to the technical characteristics of the GS300 Lexus. First discuss the engine characteristics. The engine volume in cubic centimeters is 2997. His power is in the horsepower 222. Fuel consumption in liters of 100 kilometers in the city 16 liters, over the city 8.8 liters, and a mixed cycle of 11 liters per 100 kilometers. The car has a gasoline engine with distributed gasoline with a volume of 3 liters, which has 24 valves. The maximum speed of the machine is 230 kilometers per hour. Acceleration time to 100 kilometers per hour for 8.2 seconds. Cylinder in a diameter of 86 millimeters. The maximum speed of the car can develop 6000. Everyone, probably, is clear that the car should be seasoned with high-quality gasoline, that is, the AI-95 gasoline brand. Piston stroke 86 millimeters. Carbon dioxide exhaust in grams per kilometer 272 grams. The type of car body is made as a sedan. The number of doors is 4, but the number of seats is only 5. Brakes installed in the car circular ventilated, which contributes to excellent braking in any situation. The suspension in the car, the front is independent, the back is an independent two. A great car for people who value quality and prestige.

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