Строительство » The alleged culprit of the accident near Podolsky refused to testify
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The alleged culprit of the accident near Podolsky refused to testify

  • 11-01-2019, 11:10

The alleged culprit of the accident near Podolsky refused to testify

From the information provided by RIA Novosti, it became known that the man who was driving KAMAZ, who rammed a passenger bus in the territory of New Moscow, said that he did not intend to give any testimonies on this incident. Accident. Due to the refusal to testify, law enforcement officers were forced to transfer the driver’s interrogation to July fifteenth. From the information provided by the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, it became known that most likely the reason for the refusal was the poor health of a man. It is worth noting that in one of the publications, referring to one of the employees of the medical institution, it was stated that the injuries of the alleged culprit of this accident were “not too serious”.“Probably, he simply refers to his, supposedly, poor health in order not to interrogate,” the source said. Meanwhile, all those killed as a result of this clash managed to identify. Natives of dead citizens were recognized as victims as part of a criminal case. As for the victims of the accident, most of them are residents of the Moscow Region. This accident occurred in the territory of the Trinity District of Moscow near the village of Oznobishino on July on July on July. KAMAZ, loaded with gravel, crashed into a passenger bus Liaz. The blow was so strong that the bus fell into two parts. About fourteen people died at the site of this accident, a little later in one of the medical institutions there was a death of four more citizens. Currently, about thirty people are in various medical institutions with injuries of varying severity.

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