Строительство » The best assistant in winter is the snowman!
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The best assistant in winter is the snowman!

  • 11-01-2019, 19:28

The best assistant in winter is the snowman!

Autumn is still in its midst, but we will not have time to look back how winter will come, accompanying a blizzard, a whirlwind and huge piles of snow. To remove these same heaps of snow, you can use the shovel, by the old fashioned way, or get yourself a good snowman. It is this unit that will help you cope with a lot of snow in a short time. Agree, this is a rather specific apparatus, which many did not hold in their hands, so before making such a purchase you should familiarize yourself with the rules of its choice. Note that STIGA Power snowmobiles are widely popular with wide popularity. First of all, we should talk about what models of snowmaning exist according to their movement - non -self -propelled and self -propelled. The names themselves speak for themselves. The first model has small power, most often from three and a half to five horsepower. To move this unit, you should push it on your own in front. Snow ejection at such an apparatus is fifteen meters. Such a snowman you can easily clear the paths from soft and loose snow. If the snow was tightly coded, with the help of such a technique it will be difficult for you to clean it. If you prefer greater comfort and lightness when cleaning snow, you should pay attention to a self -propelled snowmaker. Its peculiarity is that you only hold him by the handle, thereby setting the right direction for the technique. Thanks to this unit, you can easily clean large territories from snow. This type of snowman can be equipped with either wheels or caterpillars. At the same time, the release of snow in this model is increased. Despite its weight from seventy -five kilograms, this device is quite maneuverable.

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