Строительство » This is reflected in low carrying capacity.
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This is reflected in low carrying capacity.

  • 18-02-2019, 11:50

Such complex work associated with lifting weights is perfectly coped with the lifting technique, such as the converter caterpillar in St. Petersburg, loaders and other funds moving on wheels, which, among other things, has high cross -country ability, especially during the Intersiazonia period. Nevertheless, due to its great dimensions, it can be difficult to use. In this regard, minor loaders cope with this problem. Such models have a fairly high performance-their mass is 3-4.5 tons, and the engine strength is 50-100 horsepower, depending on the model of the loader. Recently, just such loaders have been especially popular and in demand. First of all, this is due to the achieved comfort. It also allows you to make the lowest pressure that is on the soil during operation. This is reflected in low carrying capacity. The maneuverability of caterpillar loaders is a good plus and dignity in favor of choosing just such a mechanism.

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