Строительство » Citroen C5: Distinctive features, description
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Citroen C5: Distinctive features, description

  • 4-09-2018, 12:04

Citroen C5: Distinctive features, description

The Citroen C5 family has its fans and customers. This model of comfortable French cars adorns the machine market. This model has been on sale in 2001, and today it is aimed at the highest positions in the elite category of premium class. That is why French manufacturers did not include a car with a hatchback body in the line. This model in the automotive market is represented only by models of the station wagon and sedan, which received the general name Tourer. The manufacturers of this machine made the main emphasis on the pleasant sensations of passengers in the cabin when driving a car. Inside it there are expensive materials of the highest level. The salon is decorated with matte aluminum inserts. Passengers who are in the car are well protected from the rumble with the front glass, which absorbs noise, as well as laminated side glasses. Outside, the model of the Citroen C5 Tourer car looks quite traditional. All body details are in their place, the headlights look as impassive as usual. If desired, you can install xenon instead of standard halogen lamps. Citroen C5 car increased in size in comparison with predecessors. The length of the sedan was 4780 millimeters, and the station wagon - 4830 millimeters. Such indicators exceed similar parameters of business class models from one of the Japanese manufacturers. The width of the cars will be 1860 millimeters, and the size of their wheelbase is 2820 millimeters. However, the height of Citroen C5 is inferior to a similar indicator of the previous generation car. And, thanks to 1450 millimeters of height, the car looks more mobile. Very wide engine assortment. Of those who work on gasoline, manufacturers offer four -cylinder engines with a volume of 1.8 and 2 liters, and a six -cylinder model, the volume of which is three liters, and their power indicators are 127, 143 and 215 horsepower, respectively. In addition, there are also four versions of turbodiesel, the volume of which is from 1.6 to 2.7 liters, and the power is from one hundred to two hundred eight horsepower. Among the types of gearboxes offered in the car, there are five -speed and six -speed mechanical, and six -speed automatic transmission gearbox. Citroen C5 car model is equipped with two types of suspensions. An inexpensive spring type suspension was added to the standard hydropneumatic version.

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