Строительство » How to avoid deception when buying a car in a car dealership
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How to avoid deception when buying a car in a car dealership

  • 10-10-2018, 18:50

How to avoid deception when buying a car in a car dealership

For some, it may be a discovery that they can deceive when buying a vehicle in a specialized salon. Very often unscrupulous sellers sin by the fact that due to excessive trust in him, they summarize their customers. You can consider several schemes that managers very successfully use in practice. Offensive and unattractive thing is a purchase of a used car under the guise of a new. This procedure is performed in several stages, which entails large expenses for the buyer. Auto -dealers buy cars that were in operation for about two years, spend a thorough service to them. After that they make documents and conduct as a new sample. In appearance, the machine really shines and shines, only in a couple of years you can ruin the vehicle well. And the new owners will be surprised why the long -awaited purchase constantly overdoles. And the treatment of cars flies into a tidy amount. By the way, the prestige of the salon does not give a guarantee, even the prestigious dealers can fail. However, you can avoid such a nightmare and not spoil your future. It is worth considering immediately if the auto center offers long and free maintenance. And also, it recommends to carry out all the procedures only in their service. Such tempting sentences are actually a trick. Another bunch is the presence of another buyer on the selected copy. You seem to be ready to pay the entire amount at once, and the car is too good to refuse. Together with the consultant, you go to the rack, where he suddenly recalls that there is already a buyer for your dream. But, you can set the problem with only a certain amount. In this case, it is better to find another center, since in a decent place they will not offer to make a monetary reward. Even if there is a real buyer, they will give you a chance to get a car after a certain time, making an order from the manufacturer. The currency of the currency should also alarming motorists. Many dealers are fond of when they write the cost of a copy in foreign currency. It is worth immediately finding out about the price in your native money, since often it turns out to be a conditional unit. And they throw a couple of rubles to the real rate. It is worth agreeing that even cars of the budget line can increase in price too well due to such tricks.

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