Строительство » The advantages and disadvantages of the "right -handed" car "
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The advantages and disadvantages of the "right -handed" car "

  • 10-01-2019, 19:23

The advantages and disadvantages of the "right -handed" car "

Now no one will be surprised to look after the car with the right wheel, but there was once time that such a new product was a curiosity. Many wanted to get a Japanese machine precisely because of such a distinctive feature. Moreover, the majority does not understand the reason why the steering wheel is located on the other side. At the moment, almost all car owners are negative about vehicles of this type. But, there are still few fans and fans of such samples. By the way, many take it due to the fact that an expensive acoustic system and a prestigious alarm are installed. With proper car care, you get a high -quality and decent copy. Therefore, it is worth carefully considering the positive aspects of such a car. Who would have thought that the basic equipment usually involves the presence of fairly expensive options. Most cars already have an automatic transmission, climate control, rear view camera and other pleasant devices. Moreover, the cost is much lower than its brothers of the same class. By the way, the engine there costs two liters, but he asks for less fuel than his friend is one and a half liters. We just have to forget that such a beautiful machine has a number of disadvantages that can not be changed. Most of the driver sells his iron horses due to the inconvenience of driving. Since our movement is organized according to the opposite principle, it is too difficult to perform some types of turns due to a limited review. Also, the headlights illuminates a completely unnecessary section of the road, while they are thoroughly blinded by those who travel along the oncoming lane. And it is difficult to fulfill the permitted overtaking on it, since there is a great risk of creating an emergency. By the way, now there is the possibility of installing a special monitor to inspect the desired site. Provided that there is no financial possibility with such an option, you can replace it with the periscopic system of mirrors. In this case, there will be the same review as with the left steering wheel. The main thing is to remember that an important point will be care for safety when moving. If you are not comfortable sitting in such a vehicle, then this entails the danger of creating an emergency on the road. In this case, there is a risk of harm to the health of not only their own, but also the rest of the participants in the movement.

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