Строительство » Correct setup of car mirrors
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Correct setup of car mirrors

  • 6-09-2018, 18:48

Correct setup of car mirrors

A person is so arranged that the structure of the body suggests the presence of only two eyes. This is enough for the normal existence and control of what is happening around. But the car’s wheel requires a constant concentration of the driver and a minimum of unnecessary movements. If drivers constantly twisted their heads from side to side to assess the situation and make a maneuver, we would hardly have been able to use roads due to constant traffic accidents and traffic jams. To obtain information about the maneuvers of neighboring cars and control what is happening from the sides and behind the car, car mirrors were created - faithful assistants to drivers. In addition to the fact that the car gaskets should be clean and not damage, they should still be correctly rebuilt to provide the desired angle of view. You can learn how to set up auto -grinder in special educational institutions. In fact, there is nothing complicated in the detonation of the mirrors of the car. The main goal of setting is to ensure the maximum angle of view and exclude the presence of blind zones. In this case, you can be sure of your maneuvers on the road. At first it is worth noting that there should be side mirrors on all cars. Rear -view mirror may be absent. Setting side mirrors should start with the left mirror. Take your normal position and look at the left side mirror. Turn it from the car until the left side of the car is almost completely disappeared from the reflection. Without changing the position of the body, look at the right mirror, repeat the settings procedure. In the reflection of the rear -view mirror, you must see the middle of the rear window. Experiment with the position of the horizon in the reflection. It is usually located in the middle of the mirror or just below. Since each person has their own dimensions and preferences, the setting of the mirrors of the car is a purely individual process.

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