Строительство » Driving license: buy or not
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Driving license: buy or not

  • 14-09-2018, 15:50

Driving license: buy or not

Is it worth "buying" a driver's license? Pay for exams, fear from a possible failure? Definitely - no. And this is not a hypocrisy, not empty moralization, but only a simple and practical calculation. To hand over the rights independently not only correctly from the point of view of honesty and decency, but also more profitable from the point of view of practical benefits. And that's why. First of all, having bought rights, you obviously spend money and spend it in vain. Because any mentally healthy person can pass on the rights, there is nothing complicated in this. After paying for rights, you will pay your own fear of failure, your own uncertainty, but not a real danger. Secondly, putting on the rights yourself is useful. Any experienced driver will tell you that the bought right on the road is visible a mile away. What is not surprising: unlike the dubious universities that have recently bred, in a driving school you will not teach anything superfluous, nothing that will not be needed on the road. All that can give a driving school, you need to know the nazum is not only the key to your (and your passengers) future safety, but also a great way to save your nerves in the first months of driving, when, due to the lack of experience of the driver, it can bring to a panic state the most elementary road situation. Thirdly, it's interesting. No wonder the wise ancient Greeks said that the old man is the one who has lost the ability to learn the new. Buy a pen and notebook and forward - to learn traffic rules. A lot of positive emotions awaits you, especially if you are lucky with the teacher. We repeat: there is nothing complicated or useless on the course, only important and necessary. The main thing is not to skip and turn on the head in time, then everything will work out. And the last is, of course, a pure conscience. No one can reproach you for "bought rights, but did not bought to ride", and this, take a word, is worth a lot.

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