Строительство » How to learn how to drive yourself: the choice of driving schools
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How to learn how to drive yourself: the choice of driving schools

  • 16-10-2018, 17:31

How to learn how to drive yourself: the choice of driving schools

Your desire to learn how to drive a car can be realized in a driving school. But for people who have an irregular working day, a private auto instructor is more suitable, as he is ready to conduct classes at any convenient time for the student. For the effectiveness of learning, it must be carried out in stages. Distinguish three main stages in driving lessons. During the first Auto Instructor, the North -Western Instructor conducts an introductory lesson at which the student studies important mechanisms of car management and how they work. In addition, at this stage, the instructor explains how to act during the preparation of the car for touching from the place. And, among other things, teaches his ward how to place his hands on the steering wheel and how to sit correctly. In addition, during this stage, the student tries his hand in driving on the spot. This is a very important point in learning, since it is during these exercises that the student remembers all the elements of the car and actions with them. Having received honed skills on the spot, the future driver will not be distracted on the road in order to find a brake, gas or clutch. Superable driving skills are formed at the second stage of training, which takes place at the Avtodrome. The goals of this stage: not experiencing difficulties to move off and stop, park correctly and carefully, turn and take it back. The student must remember a clear procedure for the actions taking place while driving behind the wheel. The third stage is perhaps the most exciting for beginners, because right now the first departure to the city will be held, where there are many cars, pedestrians and traffic signs. The basis of the success of moving in the stream is the attentiveness and ability to predict the actions of the drivers of neighboring cars and the general situation on the road. The first lessons take place on the half -empty roads, and only in final classes is carried out in a dense city stream. Having passed driving courses, the student should take the car without difficulty, regardless of the circumstances on the highway. And only a competent, experienced and balanced auto instructor will be able to convey to you all the required skills and knowledge for safe and accurate driving.

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