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Stlopa Automobiles set a world record

  • 28-12-2018, 12:23

Stlopa Automobiles set a world record

Not every person will be able to get behind the wheel of a racing car, and with a breeze ride on an empty highway. After all, in the driving of the car you need to follow all the operating rules. The wrong movement of the steering wheel in any direction at high speed can lead to pernicious consequences, and what to say about people with disabilities. This time I want to pay attention to Mike Newman, who was born with an innate defect - blindness. Mike from early childhood had a passionate dream - to drive a racing car. Of course, for obvious circumstances, it was not possible for him to do this, but he did not stop dreaming, and believed that when everything would come true and he would be the happiest person on earth. Most likely, this moment came today, when 52-year-old Michael broke the world record, and became his incomparable author, who created such a beautiful masterpiece. He accelerated in the Porsche 911 GT2 sports car to a speed of almost 300 km/h, which was not previously done by more than one blind person. Not a bad result, agree. The story of Michael Newman began very difficult. Since he was blind from birth and was not as such a able -bodied citizen, he was not given loans that he dreamed of spending on the purchase of his car. Soon he decided to get a local private bank, where having worked for a while, he realized that this was not his passion for life, but his "ego" are racing cars. And then he went to conquer sports routes, enrolling in car driving courses for people with disabilities. Auto management for him at first seemed a very difficult matter. He could not monitor the movement of the car, monitor in which direction it moves and how much it turns on turns. All this helped him to do the most ordinary navigator, to which a powerful speaker was chained so that Michael Newman would hear well where to go where to go. The sensor informed him about the location of the car on the road and about the speed of movement. Partly, the hero went to such an act to support all people with disabilities, and show them clearly that you can achieve everything in life, despite your shortcomings. Perhaps it is this heroic feat of Michael Newmon that will make many people think, perhaps he is there, which must write down his name in world history.

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