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How to use a car navigator competently

  • 19-10-2018, 13:48

How to use a car navigator competently

It seems that you have been living in your city for a long time, maybe your whole life, but still you can’t say where such and such a street. Human psychology is arranged so that it is guided by some well-known points: monuments, art palaces, shops and so on. And what to do if you need to get to a certain place and even bypassing car traffic jams? For this purpose, car navigators were developed. It is not entirely correct to call all the navigators car, if only because, having left the car with the navigator, it already ceases to be automobile. Of course, we do not argue with the name "Automobile Navigator" when it comes to navigators built into the car panel board. Among such auto -navigators, we can even highlight the Texet TN 600 model. But you need to know that when installing this navigator, you have to slightly redo the dashboard of the car, and in order not to spoil it, including the appearance, you must contact a specialist. This navigator is connected to the general electric power system of the car. This is due to the fact that such devices acquire multimedia features: in them the manufacturer sets FM radio, TV-tuner, DVD disk players and even an on-board computer. Undoubtedly, with such a set, such a device can hardly be called a mobile navigator. It is much easier to handle navigators who do not have such a rigid attachment to the car. For example, JJ Connect 330 can be installed on the instrument panel using a special holder or with it, it can be attached to the windshield. Such a navigator is no worse than a "stationary". He will also pave the route bypassing traffic jams well. The display of traffic jams occurs in real time, so if you want to go a slightly different road that the navigator offered to you, then changing the trajectory of your movement will also not be difficult. If we talk about car navigators in general, then many manufacturing companies try to make their products the most functional. As a result, in these devices we can observe not only cities, but also reference information: addresses of various organizations, public transport routes, dressing sites and other similar information. Agree that it is very convenient.

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