Строительство » Do you want to save on traffic fines
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Do you want to save on traffic fines

  • 13-09-2018, 17:29

Do you want to save on traffic fines

Many have already heard about the emergence of a new CAMRAD device, but so far not everyone knows about the principle of its work and why it is needed. The device is aware of all the cells on the roads, so the driver with such a gadget may not be afraid to run into a fine. Modern ordinary radars - detectors, are no longer effective, because the developers of video recording systems no longer produce radiating radar blocks, to which the decetors do not respond. CAMRAD was subjected to a repeated test and confirmed its high functionality. Comrad has one unreasonable advantage over ordinary detectors, it does not detect video recording cameras, but knows exactly about their location. Thanks to the built-in GPS/GLONASS-receiver, the new gadget updates the coordinates of the car, with the internal database and warns the driver about the availability of video receptions and other speed control devices. An interesting feature of the device is that all drivers possessing the device will be able to warn each other about the presence of non -stationary cameras. No wonder the gadget is called the English word comrad, which means a comrade. The new detector is constantly online, allowing you to send data on traffic cops and their devices on the developers server by pressing 1 key on the device. A SIM card is built in comrad, which can be served by a megaphone or MTS, if desired, but the average cost for one gigabyte of traffic is 1 ruble. Due to the fact that the data on the device is constantly updated, Komrad knows almost everything regarding speed control devices. By the way, comrad announces different types of speed control: curbs, traffic lights, mobile ambushes, devices such as arrow-st, autodoria, etc. Thanks to the comrade, the driver knows exactly which device awaits him on the road, a special message comes about this with a description of the speed control device. Comrad, easily calculates any dummies, he also warns about this separately. You can configure the signal about speeding, this can be done for free. The device case is made of simple plastic, on the panel there are only four control keys, in the menu everything is displayed in an accessible and understandable language. Mount the gadget on a magnetic stand or using a bracket on a suction cup.

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