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The choice of anti -radar - tips and recommendations

  • 15-01-2019, 15:31

The choice of anti -radar - tips and recommendations

Despite the increased popularity of anti -radars, there are still drivers who do not use them. The thing is that often the installation of the radar occurs after receiving the first fine. Do not experience fate, it is better to deal with the types of devices in advance and purchase the desired. The division of all radars into three groups is correct, but not quite accurate. Gadgets are more convenient to divide by purpose and functions. The undoubted leader of sales is radars against the arrow. For a timely warning about a police scanner, it is recommended to buy Street Storm STR-9520EX and calmly continue to move. The arrow most accurately reveals speed excess simultaneously on several lanes. Anti -radars with a built -in GPS module work on a different principle. The process consists in the timely transfer of data on the location of police cameras and posts. They are protected from false operation. Highly cost stationary anti -radars, which do not need to be removed every time from the window. The category of economical radars offers devices at a low price. They have several disadvantages: an increased possibility of false works, a low range of determination of the scanned area. Nevertheless, if not abused by excess speed, then they may well perform their functions on the roads. The advantage of anti -radars over the police is that the scanners of the latter spend a lot of time to determine the speed of transport. To clarify the signal, you need to reflect several times. In addition, their range is quite low - not more than 500 meters. Anti -radars have a high range, fast and clear definition, as well as small sizes. As you can see, the anti -radar is a useful and accurate device, ahead of the traffic police radars.

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