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Automobile language of light signals and buzz

  • 17-08-2018, 16:51

Automobile language of light signals and buzz

Every second in some part of the globe, a car drives out onto the road, someone is jamming the motor every second and becomes a pedestrian, there is a cycle of cars on the road. Cars go, each to his destination. Everything seems to be simple, but sometimes there is a need to say something to the steering fellow traveling in a neighboring car, and here the question arises-how to establish a connection with a stranger, so that he understands everything without words. The unofficial language of motorists comes to the rescue, the messages on which are transmitted by headlights and buzzing signals. To learn the transfer of basic auto messages, you will not have to study for a long time, just buy Ford in Volgograd or any other car equipped with headlights and a sound signal. Of course, everyone knows the most important signal - sound. His original purpose is a warning of emergency situations. This must be remembered and not signed in vain, for example, to greet a friend on the road or expression of reverence for a beauty standing on the sidelines. The use of a sound signal for no reason not only interferes with other participants in the movement, but can also provoke an accident. If you want to greet someone or report troubles on the road, use a light signal. The signals supplied by headlights are not so distracted as sound signals, but they also do not have to get carried away. In order to warn counter cars about the traffic police post or traffic accident on the way, just give two signals with long-range light. The driver who saw such a signal will certainly be wary. If you repeatedly see such a signal addressed to you, stop and check the condition of the car, maybe you have a overload of the trunk and the back is strongly outweighing the car, or the number is about to fall off, be vigilant. A single signal from behind the coming car also signals about the malfunction of your car or the request to miss. If you were politely missed on the road, give the signal with emergency lights to the driver who showed politeness. Respect and vigilance on the roads - the key to safe driving.

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