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This trip cost me very large nerves, he was nervous.

  • 19-02-2019, 15:39

And so I got into a driving school. I had a solid man named Alexei. Alexey treated the car and, in particular, to its steering wheel as a mechanical part, but as a close friend or relative, as well as a colleague with whom he has to share fate, to teach the driving of such “mediocrities” (to which and which and which I ranked myself at that time) how I. This was expressed by one single phrase: “Twist the steering wheel!", And when he pronounced it, it was all these emotions that were felt in her. The first driving lesson even more convinced me that driving a car is mildly said, not my business, even more than that, I just fell into a protracted depression. The conclusions that followed after the first lesson were not comforting for themselves, to teach me how to drive a car was simply impossible, at least that was what I thought. The reason for such a pessimistic view of the situation was very simple and banal. In the first lesson, my instructor decided that I was quite able to personally get from a training ground to a driving school. From which he made such conclusions - I do not know, I sat behind the wheel for the first time in my life. You can describe my emotions in words at that moment in one word - horror. This trip cost me very large nerves, he was nervous. Of course, after well-passed exams and a little experience, confidence in me increased, but a sense of fear, for some time did not leave me, especially when traveling around the city. Later we bought a newer, convenient and modern car, after a certain amount of time I had increased experience and confidence in driving a car, and gradually my feeling of fear disappeared. As a result of all my experiences and fears, everything has passed, there was only the pleasure of driving a vehicle.

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