Строительство » How to competently choose a mentor for training in a driving school
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How to competently choose a mentor for training in a driving school

  • 15-10-2018, 10:36

How to competently choose a mentor for training in a driving school

Often young people who have trained in driving schools speak of their mentors negatively. And he explained incomprehensibly, and his voice raised, and pulled the money. But there are grateful students who are ready to bow low to instructors for valuable information transmitted to future drivers. One such “thank you” sincerely expressed the girl who passed the exam in the traffic police for the highest score. Related souls. When the young person only hit twenty, she decided - I will drive. No sooner said than done. On the same day, she went to all city driving schools in order to decide on the choice. I found what I was looking for. By the way, the girl possessed theoretical knowledge quite well, but she obviously did not have enough practice only to change the janitors. The desire to drive the machine was huge, and here - continuous lectures and recordings. Days went. And then the long -awaited day of practical classes has come. The instructor of the girl got a very interesting - two meters tall, with fiery hair on her head, but invariably smiling, kind, pleasant. I never shouted, explained everything intelligibly and patiently. Well, for sure - a soul mate! The car was ours, domestic. However, the “six” showed itself only from the good side-moved perfectly, without any failures and problems. There was a feeling like a young student sat all her life behind her steering wheel. They mastered the routes of all kinds of species - a broadband urban, narrow and dangerous, even forest paths with trees constantly appearing in front, especially when you do not wait for this at all. The speed partners developed a large speed, the maneuvers performed different, in a word, Autoledia received all the necessary skills. First experience

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