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And what does the word "experience" mean in our opinion?

  • 10-08-2018, 20:14

We have 365 days in the year. Driving, for example, you are about two hours a day. Do not take into account those days when you don't drive a car at all. 365 days we multiply by two hours of driving per day. We get 730. Next, the resulting number 730 is divided by the number of hours per day, that is, by 24. As a result, we get 30 days. Thirty days of experience it turns out in the year. From our calculations we get such a conclusion that in five years of driving we will acquire only five months of experience. And what does the word "experience" mean in our opinion? First of all, experience is the experience that we have received on the road, being in one or another (often extreme) situation. And five months of experience, agree with this, very little. Often and very experienced drivers who spend days “behind the steering wheel”, fall into an accident and the role of experience is not much important here. The experience is also called continuous, that is, the driver drove behind the wheel constantly, without interruptions. Although the bill is conducted from the moment a driver’s license is received, but for real experience it is not necessary to take it. Since this is not true. Do not take an account of our minds (and the body) are often able to forget the situations that have already been in the driver's practice. That is, each time given, as it were, the “old” situation is perceived by us “in a new way”, we need to react to it in a new way, applying our knowledge. Get out of it in a new way. Based on the above calculations, we need to “skate” twenty years to get only two years of experience. Of course, we took into account the average numbers, and from all the rules there are exceptions. The conclusion is that the driver’s license that we received twenty years ago is not an indicator of our experience, this is all just filling out the void. In pilots, for example, the experience is not measured in years, it is measured in the attendance of the flight. How much he flew, such is the experience. Therefore, do not measure your experience in years, because it is wrong. The score is for seconds.

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