Строительство » Summary of automobiles in the Saratov region for July 25
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Summary of automobiles in the Saratov region for July 25

  • 8-01-2019, 12:02

Summary of automobiles in the Saratov region for July 25

In the Leninsky district of the city of Saratov, a raid on an elderly woman was 74 years old. A 24-year-old guy was driving a foreign car "Hundai". Grandma with injuries was taken by an ambulance for hospitalization in a medical institution. Road police began to survey witnesses of the accident and a foreign car driver. On the eve of at about 18:00 p.m. at the intersection of Antonov Street and Stroitelov Avenue, a minor flight guy shot down 2 people by car. There was an incident at a pedestrian crossing. The injured girl and a guy with injuries were hospitalized in the hospital for further examination and observation. On this fact, a check is carried out. Another accident occurred at the intersection of 2 streets-Shekhurdina and Tulaikov at about 23:00 p.m. A 67-year-old man who crossed the road fell under the wheels of the Toyota car. According to eyewitnesses, with bruises and other injuries of the victim were taken to the hospital. The police conduct an investigation regarding the circumstances and causes of the accident. A fatal accident occurred under the village of Eremino on July 25. According to preliminary data, the 56-year-old Hundai driver lost control, as a result of which the car drove off the road and rolled into the ravine. In the car there was a 39-year-old woman who was taken to the district hospital with injuries and hematomas. The driver of a foreign car died at the scene. At the moment, it is not known what caused the accident - a car malfunction or violation of the rules of the road. Traffic police officers work at the scene of the accident. The accident for 88 km of the Pugachev highway - Perelyub in 13.30. As the inspectors installed, the driver of the Zhiguli car violated the rules and collided with another car of the same brand, which was driven by a 38-year-old man. According to the updated information, as a result of the collision, the victim and the passenger were injured, they were hospitalized in the hospital. Currently, to clarify all circumstances at the site of the accident, the police are investigating the circumstances of the accident.

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