Строительство » Summary of an accident in Russia from 12 to 13 August 05:00
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Summary of an accident in Russia from 12 to 13 August 05:00

  • 8-01-2019, 11:44

Summary of an accident in Russia from 12 to 13 August 05:00

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory on the Baikal highway, a flight bus and truck collided. There were 8 people in the cabin of the Dubinino -Krasnoyarsk route bus. Doctors provided medical care to the victims at the scene.00:40: On the highway "Chelyabinsk-Novosibirsk", the 52-year-old driver of the Ford Focus car, overtaking, collided with the MAZ-533603 truck. The driver of the passenger car died at the site of the incident.12.08.2013: in Primorye there was a triple collision of cars - “Mitsubishi Fuso”, “Nisan” and “Isuza Elf”. 5 people received injuries, including a 4-year-old child. The victims were hospitalized in the hospital.12.08.2013: on the Aleksandrovskoye - Budennovsk Avtoban, the VAZ passenger car collided with the KAMAZ gas truck truck. As a result of the collision, fuel caught fire. The accident claimed 6 lives.12.08.2013: the 29-year-old driver of the BMW car hit a 59-year-old resident of Chernogorsk. According to witnesses, the accident occurred at 19:45 at the pedestrian crossing "Zebra". The pedestrian received injuries incompatible with life, died at the scene.12.08.2013: on the high -speed highway "Kopyevo - Sarala" the 43 -year -old owner of the Hundai car, lost control and moved into a cliff. As a result of the accident, 3 passengers of foreign cars were injured, the injuries were insignificant, all three abandoned hospitalization.12.08.2013: on the “Yenisei” highway, who was driving a Toyota foreign car, a 28-year-old man, having lost control, flew into a ravine. The driver needed hospitalization. The passenger received injuries in the form of bruises.12.08.2013: On the eve of 39 km of the Novosibirsk-Leninsk-Kuznetsk highway, two vehicles collided-Toyota Hai-Eis and Hovo. The ambulance doctors who arrived at the place noted the death of 1 person, 5 victims were injured of varying severity.

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