Строительство » Summary of an accident in Belarus from September 30 to October 1
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Summary of an accident in Belarus from September 30 to October 1

  • 8-01-2019, 11:31

Summary of an accident in Belarus from September 30 to October 1

Over the past weekend, the traffic police of the Brest region detained 9 drunk drivers, 16 drunken pedestrians, and more than 30 episodes of neglect of the speed regime were revealed. Accident. Employees of law enforcement agencies in Minsk are looking for the culprit of an accident, as a result of which a woman-pedestrian. At the end of the last month, the driver of a car hit a woman crossing the carriageway along an unregulated transition. An ambulance team immediately arrived at the scene. The victim with various damage was delivered to one of the city hospitals. In early September, the woman died.30.09 accidents involving a truck recorded in the territory of the Minsk region. A woman who was driving a car, for an unexplained reason, lost control of the steering control, went to the oncoming lane, where she encountered a heavy truck. As a result of the accident, the driver of the car, her spouse and minor child died.30.09 accidents that claimed the lives of two pedestrians, registered in the city of Novogrudok. The man who managed the garbage truck did not have time to slow down before the pedestrian crossing, went to the sidewalk and hit an elderly woman and girl. The minor died at the scene of the incident, without having to live a few weeks before her 18th anniversary. The elderly woman was sent to the city medical institution, a few hours the injured died. Employees of the investigating authorities will have to establish the true causes of a fatal accident.29.09 The next death accident was recorded in the Gomel region. For an unidentified reason, the driver of the car lost the steering control and moved into a ditch; The car was tipped over. The victims of the accident were the driver and passenger of the car. Note that over the past weekend in the territory of the Republic of Belarus three children became victims of an accident.

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