Строительство » 9 Ukrainians affected by an accident in Belarus remain in hospitals
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9 Ukrainians affected by an accident in Belarus remain in hospitals

  • 26-07-2018, 17:33

9 Ukrainians affected by an accident in Belarus remain in hospitals

In the Belarusian medical institutions, 9 citizens of Ukraine are still injected, injured as a result of an accident that happened on July 28 in Vitebsk. This information was told by representatives of the press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The press service reports: “At the moment, six victims of the accident have already come into consciousness. Two Ukrainians are still connected to artificial life support devices and are in an unconscious state. 8 victims are in a medical institution of the city of Orsha. 1 Ukrainian is in Vitebsk ".Representatives of the department noted that the relatives of the dead and injured as a result of a terrible accident are in the city of Orsha. Representatives of the press service said: “With the assistance of the Ukrainian embassy in Belarus, the issue of documents necessary for the delivery of the bodies of the dead to their homeland is being resolved. The treatment of injured Ukrainians occurs exclusively at the expense of the Belarusian side. Belarus will allocate funds before the transportable state of the victims ".Recall that on the morning of July 28 there was a collision of a car with Russian registration and a minibus with Ukrainian numbers. Five passengers of a car died at the scene of the accident. The dead had documents of citizens of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. In addition to them, without waiting for medical care, three Ukrainians died. Another citizen of Ukraine died in the hospital. Almost all passengers of the minibus - Odessa residents. The media, referring to the Belarusian police, noted that the driver of the passenger car is the culprit of the accident, allegedly he fell asleep at the wheel.

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