Строительство » Reducing the import of foreign cars in Russia
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Reducing the import of foreign cars in Russia

  • 14-12-2018, 17:10

Reducing the import of foreign cars in Russia

A moderate fall of 7% in relation to last year is now marked on the Russian car market as a whole. And the import of imported cars was reduced compared to past indicators by as much as twenty -two percent. According to the Federal Customs Service, less than six hundred thousand cars have been imported into the territory of Russia in eight months. Import on today's car market of the Russian Federation is a third of all sales volumes. Such conclusions made it possible to make data that sales volumes of models of commercial passenger transport and cars for the specified period of time are equal to 1.8 million pieces. For the car concerns of far abroad, the fall of demand for foreign cars in Russia did not cause big changes, but the assembly enterprises for the near foreign countries felt worse. The demand for their products fell several times more than for foreign cars of other countries. Import of neighboring foreign countries decreased more than double. Even one of the most popular Daewoo Nexia cars from Uzbekistan in Russia has lost 43% of demand compared to last year. Chevrolet sales fell by seventeen percent, Tayota - by two, VW - by five, Nissan - by fourteen, Ford - by nineteen, Skoda - by ten, gas - by five percent. BYD and FOTON - 95%, Vortex, IZH, Tagaz and Haim - by 80, 67, 70 and 57 percent, respectively, respectively. But against this background there were also increases in sales, so the volume increased in Smart - by 87.3 percent, and FAW is as much as 164.4 percent. Renault cars should also be allocated, they hold confident growth in the Russian market at 23%.But surprisingly, the export of Russian cars increased to everyone, which demonstrated quite high growth of twenty percent. This, of course, can be explained by the effect of a low base - an increase in supplies in the new year due to a low level of exports in the past. There is no serious concern for the domestic market experts: the demand for foreign cars with Russian assembly remains high, but sales at the same time of AvtoVAZ were reduced by thirteen percent. The press center of this factory commented on the fall of the "general slowdown in the economy". There is an opinion that such a drop in demand will serve to conduct favorable sales for Russian buyers for foreign cars. Whether this will actually happen in the future?

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