Строительство » AvtoVAZ notes a drop in demand for its cars
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AvtoVAZ notes a drop in demand for its cars

  • 20-08-2018, 11:51

AvtoVAZ notes a drop in demand for its cars

According to the press service of AvtoVAZ Avtovaz, Avtovaza finished March for a month with a negative result in the level of sales of cars. The decline was 7.1% in relation to sales level of March 2012. Compared to February, there is an increase in sales by 9.7%. In quantitative terms, this indicator amounted to 40,480 cars sold in March month. In total, in 2013, AvtoVAZ dealers sold 126,016 cars. Hopes of the company's sales service for the traditional spring increase in demand were not justified. According to AvtoVAZ experts, a decrease in demand is associated with the expectation of potential buyers of an updated model range of cars. Among the interesting new products that will enter the market in the near future are called Lada Kalina 2, which will begin to be produced in May and completely updated Lada Priora. The production of previous models of the Kalina series has been stopped, and AvtoVAZ dealers make efforts to sell warehouse residues. In almost all car dealerships, in connection with the expectation of the generation of generation of Kalina 2 cars, there is a sharp decrease in demand for the first model of the series. According to dealers, the reduction in demand is up to 40%. According to LADA cars in March, Lada Granta continues to lead Lada. This sedan occupies a leading place for sales for seven months and is not going to give up its positions. In total in March, 14,373 cars were purchased. Lada Kalina remained in the second position with the result of 6,371 cars. It is followed by Lada Priora with an indicator of 6,350 cars and Lada Largus. This station wagon was preferred 4,189 buyer. SUVs that are produced by AvtoVAZ are also traditional. In addition to cars, AvtoVAZ is engaged in the production of semi -trailers. Selling semi -trailers is not the most profitable article of the plant. So, for example, the Lada 4 4 sales indicator was 3,796 cars. Experts note the ongoing drop in demand on Lada Samara and 2104. Their sales amounted to 4,291 and 812 units, respectively.

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