Строительство » AvtoVAZ excluded the Lada Largus model from the disposal program
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AvtoVAZ excluded the Lada Largus model from the disposal program

  • 20-08-2018, 11:05

AvtoVAZ excluded the Lada Largus model from the disposal program

In recent years, one of the sick questions in Russia is how to get rid of an old car? Old cars interfere with the passage and parking of other machines, very often are an object of high fire hazard, spoil the appearance of the city landscape, occupy a lot of free space. Very often such cars are set on fire, and the cars standing nearby light up with them. The owners of this trash are in no hurry and do not want to take such cars to a landfill, believing that they will still get rid of their old and faulty auto -rose, they have time and this time in their bulk. In fact, you can do much easier. In Russia, there is a federal program for car recycling, which enables the owners of old cars to hand them out for disposal and get a discount, choosing a car for a replacement. This program is designed to activate the process of replacing old cars with new ones, thereby supporting the Russian automobile industry, increasing the safety of roads on roads and contributing to the improvement of the environmental situation. But this is not just in the case of one of the most popular car brands in Russia, namely the products of the VAZ car factory. According to this program, the VAZ accepts cars purchased by the owner at least six months ago. Clients receive a discount of fifty thousand rubles, according to the trad, the discount is forty thousand rubles. According to the program, the Automobile Plant in Togliatti sold about forty -four thousand vehicles. VAZ products have the highest demand under the federal recycling program. In connection with this situation, the number of orders is so large that the car enterprise reduces production capacities, reducing the number of their own disposal models. According to representatives of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant, the Lada Largus model is excluded from the recycling program. According to the press service of the auto enterprise, these are forced measures. Recently, due to the same situation, the disposal of Lada Grants was canceled. In total, within the framework of the disposal program, the domestic automaker sold more than forty -four thousand cars. It is possible to purchase any car model from a vase except Lada Granta and Lada Largus, representatives of the car factory said. These models are so popular as part of the disposal program that the plant simply does not have time to produce these car models.

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