Строительство » AvtoVAZ launched Lada Largus on sale.
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AvtoVAZ launched Lada Largus on sale.

  • 20-08-2018, 11:32

AvtoVAZ launched Lada Largus on sale.

On July 16, 2012, sales of Lada Largus - the domestic concept of the Renault -Nissan Auto Auto Electric. As reported by the PRIME news agency, the Renault-Nissan-Autsovaz auto-penete in April 2012 launched a line for assembly of cars on the B0 platform, designed to manufacture 350 thousand cars per year in Togliatti. Lada Largus became the first car released on this line and this platform. Autoalness plans to assemble five models of Lada, Nissan and Renault brands on this line. Including: Renault Logan and Renault Sandero. Lada Largus was the first large -scale project in the cooperation of AvtoVAZ with the Renault -Nissan alliance, with which new technologies and methods for assembling LADA cars, as well as the technology for ensuring quality control. After that, these methods and technologies will be applied on other assembly lines of AvtoVAZ.From the statements of Igor Komarov, President AvtoVAZ, it follows that the new line will reach the design capacity by 2014, releasing cars on the B0 platform. For 2012, AvtoVAZ is planning to produce 16-27 thousand cars. Although, according to specialists from Lada Club, the maximum release of Lada Largus for 2012 cannot exceed 25 thousand. In 2013, they plan to release 70 thousand Larguss. Largus, according to manufacturers, is adapted for maximum operation in real Russian conditions and is a licensed station wagon with increased capacity. Two Largus options will go from the conveyor: passenger and cargo (van). Passenger car will be 5- and 7-seater. Cost - from 380 thousand rubles - depends on the configuration of the car.AvtoVAZ is the largest enterprise of the AutoProm of Russia and all Eastern Europe, on which about 66 thousand people work. Its production capacities can master more than 800 thousand cars per year. 2011 brought AvtoVAZ 6.7 billion. PURCH RUSSIAL RUBNESS (according to IFRS). In 2011, 578387 LADA cars were sold, which gave an increase in sales by 10.6% compared to 2010. In the first half of 2012, AvtoVAZ sold 283280 Lada cars. You are the owner of Nissan Sunny?! Be sure to read Nissan Sunny Tuning Video.

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