Строительство » Audi in 2013 increased Russian sales by 8%
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Audi in 2013 increased Russian sales by 8%

  • 17-08-2018, 10:36

Audi in 2013 increased Russian sales by 8%

In 2013, the Audi brand became one of the few automobile brands that managed to increase sales in the Russian market, which generally showed the flowing pace of car sales. The growth rate was 8 %, which in terms of units is 36,150 cars. Such success is determined by several factors, which together composed this growth. Firstly, it is an increase in premium car sales, models with a QUATTRO brand Q-Q3, Q5, Q7 brand system. It is characteristic that the club of Audi owners is half the owners of Audi exactly the brand Q Q. SUVs with all -wheel drive were especially loved by the Russians. So much so that every second Audi sold car is Q3, the sales volumes of this car grew by 40 % compared to last year. As experts predict, this situation will remain this year, because the love of Russians for large cars with a high landing remains unchanged, and bad roads also play their role. Secondly, also 40 % compared to last year have increased sales of car segment vehicles. These are A6 AVANT, A4 AVANT and Allroad. The third, and important factor is the introduction of a lending system with a reduced interest rate of a percentage of 5.9 % per annum to such popular models as A3, A4, Q3 and A6. The result was an increase in purchases of these cars by more than 4 times. Another factor that also contributed to an increase in sales - sales of sports cars. Basically, these are RS and R8 models.So, the results of 2013 are already known to us. For 2014, forecasts predict a “flat” market or a small increase in 1-2%. The premium car segment will grow, so that a good model policy will be high, this is the only way to win high competition among other brands.

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