Строительство » Competition Hyundai Sonata Gls, Toyota Camry, Volkswagen Passat SE
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Competition Hyundai Sonata Gls, Toyota Camry, Volkswagen Passat SE

  • 5-09-2018, 16:31

Competition Hyundai Sonata Gls, Toyota Camry, Volkswagen Passat SE

Volkswagen cars are widely known throughout the world, and the entire model range is in widest demand among customers, but as it became known at a sales meeting, some cars for a while surrendered their positions. So in 2010 only 1700 VW Passat was sold, and then, according to Ben Kong, these were the remains of the 2010 model year. Now the situation is different. Having missed 2011, the concern released in 2012 an improved VW Passat model with a more spacious interior. All modifications are made for a reason. For the payback of production, it is necessary to hold on to leading positions. Therefore, the company will have to win the position in the competition, which consists in checking the machines for their quality and cross -country ability on roads. On all machines for equality in the test, Michelin summer tires are installed. Everyone has the same shoe, but the filling is different. The duel will participate: Hyundai Sonata GLS, Toyota Camry, Volkswagen Passat SE. Of course, if we only looked at the physical characteristics set forth on paper, then Sonata went to the leaders, since for the price less than its competitors, you can buy good transport. But in reality, this model showed the worst control results due to significant bodyrasses when driving. It is also worth noting that with almost the same area of the body with Volkswagen, this model turned out to be cramped, which affects the driver's landing. Thus, the car took the last place in the competitors table. The most light car of three rose to the second place - Toyota Camry. In the middle of Camry were only because of the lack of unity in the style of the body. But at the same time, as experts noted, they have no doubt that with her power and controllability, it will still go to the leaders of sales. The first in the three was Volkswagen Passat. In acceleration to one hundred meters in testing, it turned out to be slower than the rest, but in the corners this frisky mobile became the most dynamic and very collected, so the controllability came out by 5+. Steering wheel, suspension, body-all deserved the best reviews. It remains only to hope that in the near future VW will offer us a more powerful engine, but for now it remains a good, but not quite perfect sedan.

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