Строительство » Audi A8 updated sedan: What has changed
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Audi A8 updated sedan: What has changed

  • 17-08-2018, 10:16

Audi A8 updated sedan: What has changed

The updated Audi A8 sedan: new options and forced engines for Audi A8 sales are still very far behind the main competitors-last year only 35 thousand cars were sold all over the world, while the “seven” BMW and Mercedes S-class were dispersed 60 thousand cars. What will happen now, when a new S-class has entered the stage? Easy modernization! The main forces were abandoned to eliminate the miscalculations of marketers, which, at the development stage, “hacked” many options, citing their low demand. For example, from now on, Audi A8 has a projector for windshields for windshield and adaptive LED headlights - before you could order either adaptive “bixenon” or “static” LEDs (they are now already in the basic configuration of V8 engines). The night vision system now recognizes not only pedestrians, but also large animals. The power steering was replaced by the power steering. As this was affected by a sled character, we still find out, but with an electric power, it became possible to introduce automatic parking systems and retention in the strip. If earlier, when crossing the continuous marking line with the turning off “turn signal”, vibration simply appeared on the steering wheel, now it is a small effort that returns the car to the strip. Everything is like a S-class! The range of power units remained the same, but the V6 and V8 engines on “civilian” versions became more powerful by 8-35 liters. With. And now they answer the norms of Euro 6. And the engines V8 4.0 and w12 6.3 The system of disconnection of half of the cylinders at partial loads and the active supports of the power unit appeared (the electromagnets in them generate retaliatory shocks, compensating for vibration) - before all this was only in the charged version S8, the engine of which did not change. The least powerful hybrid modification of alternations can boast only with active supports. Outside, updated sedans can be distinguished by other bumpers and lighting equipment, and a chrome bar appeared on the trunk lid. The interior remained practically untouched, except for new varieties of skin and wood for finishing. For European dealers, updated "eights" will appear in November, and prices will rise slightly (in Germany - by 500 euros). And the cars will reach Russia in December.

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