Строительство » Popular Cobalt: Car features
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Popular Cobalt: Car features

  • 10-12-2018, 19:57

Popular Cobalt: Car features

Popular Cobalt cannot be called an advanced car, but it has everything that is inherent in a foreign car of this class in this price category, and you also do not have to spend extra money on a gearbox of the type "automatic".If you are not arranged by the equipment of this car, you will have to look for a suitable model from competitors, since you can’t get a chevrolet cobalt. The price in the Russian market is: 530000 rubles. Supreme equipment: ABS, Audiosystem with USB and AUX outputs, fifteen -inch wheels of light alloys, passenger airbag, air conditioning, alarm, rear electric windows, fog lights, on -board computer. Engine volume 1.5 liters, 105 horsepower. Competition of this foreign car can be: Renault Logan in the Prestige configuration is a very advanced car with a decent equipment: a steering wheel, an audio system with support for CD and MP3.4 airbags, light alloys, steering wheel joystick and Bluetooth. The price of Logan with the "automatic" will be 541,000 rubles, however, you can significantly reduce the cost of not equipping the car with steamed skin and choose the color easier without the "metallic" effect.Volkswagen Polo Sedan in a non -best configuration called Comfortline which includes: heating the front seats, air conditioning, lateral mirrors with heating and electrical regulation, special folding back of the rear seat. Comfortline is also supplemented by basic configuration, however, it follows the honor that, the central locking lock, the electric heating of the windshield, as well as the audio system is not included. Price in Comfortline 530100 rubles. Hyndai Solaris can have an engine volume of 1.4 liters and 107 horsepower 523000 rubles or 1.6 liters, 123 horsepower 543,000 rubles. And in the first and second cases, the car is equipped with a Comfort package: an audio system which includes 6 speakers, heating the diesel area of the wiper, the Supervision dashboard. If you are concerned about safety, you will have to separate the car separately with a “safety” package, which includes side airbags. When the General Motors announcement of Aveo output, many were very surprised by the decision to sell this model in limited quantities, but Aveo aimed at the buyer ready to spend 500-520 thousand on a new car, while Cobalt is worthy to compete with such cars as Volkswagen Polo Sedan, Logan , Hyndai Solaris.

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