Строительство » One and a half billion went to buy a car in Crimea
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One and a half billion went to buy a car in Crimea

  • 3-12-2018, 15:13

One and a half billion went to buy a car in Crimea

As it became known, over the past month, the inhabitants of the Crimea were purchased for a total of two hundred million hryvnias. Such data come from researchers in the field of auto -sales. In total in October this year, the Crimean car dealerships venues left more than a thousand two hundred cars. They are about forty -two percent belong to the category of inexpensive cars, that is, worth up to seventeen thousand dollars. Five percent more cars were purchased, the cost of which is from seventeen to thirty -five thousand dollars. Of the total number of cars sold, eleven percent belonged to premium and luxury classes, the price tags on which were exceeded for a mark of thirty -five thousand dollars. Mercedes car dealerships provided sufficiently detailed information about sales this year. This is not to say that the indicators are some kind of prohibitive. But still, one can note the desire of the Crimeans to acquire really high -quality German cars. Unfortunately, not everyone has money for such cars. Therefore, it is quite clear why most of the cars sold are attributed to the middle or budget class. We also note one interesting fact. The fact is that a quarter of cars purchased in Crimean car dealerships had a hatchback body. As for the most popular and frequently sold car models, they were in Crimea such cars as Geely SK2, ZAZ Sens, as well as foreign cars. These include the Czech Skoda Octavia, the South Korean Hundai emphasis in the sedan back, as well as the Japanese Nissan Kashkai. It was these models of the car in Crimean automobile salons that were sold in October and November of this year most often. In the total complexity over the past ten months of this year, residents of Crimea spent about one and a half billion dollars to replenish their fleet with new cars. At the same time, more than nine and a half thousand passenger cars were bought from car dealerships. At the same time, we note that only new cars were taken into account. But in Crimea, the secondary market is quite developed.

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