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Analytics of the Russian market for supported cars for 2017

  • 7-08-2018, 15:41

Analytics of the Russian market for supported cars for 2017

In the Russian market for foreign cars, cars in operation from 7-8 years are more popular. Among the manufacturers, they still trust Japanese brands more. But there are exceptions when Russian motorists give preferences to older foreign cars. Recently summed up for 2009. In the domestic market sales market, 3.34 million were registered. used car reasons, these data amounted to 70% of all car registrations over the past year. By the way, the indicators of the renewal of foreign cars and our cars were almost equal. After analyzing the structure of the secondary automobile market in almost 160 settlements of Russia, where the number of inhabitants exceeds 100 thousand. Man, experts published results, where it turned out that the main volume of renewal (about 90%) applies to 28 marks. The best indicators relate to these car manufacturers: Peugeot, Renault, Skoda, Opel, Chevrolet, Volvo, Suzuki and Ford. Most of the design for supported cars were registered on Mitsubishi, Daewoo, Hyundai, Subaru, Lexus and Kia, all foreign cars were in operation up to four years. During the statistics of transactions for older foreign cars up to 8 years, the Japanese cars Nissan, Toyota, Suzuki and Honda, as well as the German auto giant Mercedes-Benz are in wide demand. Audi turned out to be the favorite of the "elderly" cars, as the Autostat Analysting Agency reported. About 70% of transactions with cars of this German concern were recorded with foreign cars in operation from 10 years (until 1999. V.). A little behind, with 64% of re-registration was on Volkswagen, and 61% of Opel transactions and 57% on Mercedes-Benz. Finally, it is also worth noting that LADA cars became the winner of the domestic market of cars. According to statistics, 45% of all transactions of not new cars - in numbers, it is about 1.5 million. cars. By the way, motorists preferred cars 2009. V. (7.5% of the annual sales volume of used AvtoVAZ cars) and 2013. V. (7.1%).

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