Строительство » They account for more than half (64%) of all proceeds.
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They account for more than half (64%) of all proceeds.

  • 12-02-2019, 13:17

The most purchased brands in the domestic market for this period were Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, Lada, Nissan, Kia, Hyundai, Volksvagen, Renault, BMW, Mitsubishi. They account for more than half (64%) of all proceeds. Lada is the only brand of domestic production that entered the top ten. Comparing the last year, the volume of revenue from its sales fell to the third position. Car owners of these brands, and not only, taking care of their transport, often use the services of car wash. Recently, they are increasingly paying attention to the fact that equipment for car wash has meets modern environmental requirements. The cost of LADA cars rose (by 11.6%), but the revenue, according to Avtostart, decreased by 9.6%per year. This, obviously, happened due to the fact that sales of the brand in the Russian market decreased by 19%.Toyota remains a sales leader in the Russian market, Avtostat reports. The volume of the proceeds from the sale of Toyota over eight months of this year increased by 14% due to a thoughtful pricing policy: the rise in price of the brand by 13% (one of the highest in the first ten) did not affect sales, despite this, by 1% by 1%.In the second position - Mercedes -Benz - the volume of revenue of which grew by approximately 30% (a year ago it was the fourth). In addition to him, Nissan also confidently increased his revenue (+31.7%). Kia, the revenue growth of which in 8 months was 6.6%, was in fifth place.

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