Строительство » Ukrainians prefer to buy Chinese car models
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Ukrainians prefer to buy Chinese car models

  • 26-02-2019, 17:36

Ukrainians prefer to buy Chinese car models

In January - April 2014, the share of sales of Chinese car brands exceeded the share of cars made in the CIS countries. In the period 2011 - 2013, the share of domestic machines was reduced by almost 8 %, while Chinese manufacturers increased the level of sales by 4.7 %. At the same time, their indicators with incredible force grow and already according to 2014 increased by another 4.4%. The leader among Chinese -made cars was Geely, the sales of which are about 42 % of the total of the Chinese vehicles market. The Chery Automobile machine takes second place. This means that the level of confidence of Ukrainians to Chinese manufacturers is growing, and this is quite logical, since motorists note a spectacular business design and the quality of China assembly machines. The models are technically better equipped and exceed in many indicators similar CIS assembly models. The role of the proposed car models and the number of producing KNR brands plays a role. Europe is not so favorable for Chinese automobile brands, but the PRC practicing the needs of Ukrainian motorists regarding the quality of the machine and its design, it improves their models, and in the near future they will be able to occupy one of the leading positions in Europe. Ukraine is firmly included in 10 exporters of Chinese cars and most likely this position will not lose, given that the quality and price of a car is quite satisfied with Ukrainian buyers. In addition, Ukrainians are also satisfied with the low level of environmental friendliness and safety of the machine, since in Ukraine there are euro - 3, while in Europe the standard is Euro - 5.The conditions for the sale of Chinese assembly cars have improved significantly after the introduction of special forces for all imported car manufacturers, which is beneficial for collectors of Chinese cars in Ukraine. The main buyers of Chinese cars are also such countries as the Russian Federation, India, Southeast Asia. According to a representative of the Chinese auto industry, China will continue to increase the production and sale of cars in the markets of these countries, which will allow them to compensate for less income from motorists in Europe. So by 2016, one of the Chinese car manufacturers should be included in the leaders of the world's car accounts, this task is the task of state importance.

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