Строительство » The favorite means of veterans movement in the Republic of Kazakhstan is Hummer.
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The favorite means of veterans movement in the Republic of Kazakhstan is Hummer.

  • 18-01-2019, 14:09

The favorite means of veterans movement in the Republic of Kazakhstan is Hummer.

Laws on benefits, taxes - are always the most controversial, hot and intriguing. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, these issues have also been updated more than once. In particular, recently, the government of the republic decided to cancel benefits that were not valid for veterans. The government of one chip did not think through, from children, relatives of the elderly - about fraud with this innovation. On all these facts, it can be concluded that people will draw up the car on old people (veterans) on which taxes are not superimposed, but young children will be driven by this very transport. The question arose especially acute when the cars whose engines are more than three liters were considered about cars. It is those car owners who pay the biggest money, for some this is not at all competent to pay so much money to the state treasury. That is why more and more often there were cases when children reissue their iron horses to the elderly, thereby evading taxes. More recently, in the Aktobe region many such cases were examined when veterans purchase cars with a engine of 3 liters. The tax service immediately noticed that the older people became a favorite means of moving: Hummer, Lexus LX 58, and Nissan Patrol is not uncommon. In addition to these popular brands, you can find Audi Q7, Toyota Tundra and BMW X5.Agree, dear reader, it immediately becomes clear to us that all these cars do not belong to the elderly actually. The younger generation is traveling to the cities of them. That is why, the Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan decided to issue adjustments to this law on the abolition of benefits for veterans. Of course, the state of the state will not abandon completely from these functions that are now being accepted, but tough measures will be included in this list. At first, it was completely mentioned that this law can be completely cancel, and remove from the Constitution, in connection with the avoidance of these cases, but later the authorities changed their minds, decided to limit themselves to the amendments with one. We will be able to learn more about the life of this law only in early February 2014, when the next adoption of the laws will be held, and all possible options for the prevention of various frauds using and involvement of veterans will be considered.

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