Строительство » Now road safety will be subordinated to the new rules.
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Now road safety will be subordinated to the new rules.

  • 29-11-2018, 13:58

See also

Now road safety will be subordinated to the new rules. Amendments to the corresponding bill were introduced not so long ago - November 5, and today most drivers express their bewilderment. Firstly, self-training and an external examination exam in traffic police will be canceled. From now on, before obtaining rights, drivers have to undergo driving training in a driving school. In addition, the VAO driving school will now accept 17-year-old students in their ranks. According to the new rules, from this age, it will be possible to acquire car drive skills. However, young motorists will receive a driver’s license as a gift for adulthood, not earlier. This is not the only innovation that will affect the interests of future drivers. Another one also applies to the final exam in the traffic police: from now on it can be handed over by car equipped with a gearbox "Automat". As a result, a special note “AT” will appear in rights, which indicates that the driver can only control the car on the “automatic”. But if someday a person with such rights will want to change the “automatic” to “mechanics”, he will have to take the exam again. And although the law already has power, the exam itself has not yet been developed. By the way, the management of mopeds or scooters also needs new rights of category "M". However, how will the preparation of lovers of the listed vehicles will take place is also unknown. It will take not only to domestic motorists, but also citizens of other countries living in Russia. Migrants under the law will demand a driver's license of a Russian model. To receive it, guests of the country, as if guilty schoolchildren, will also be sent to retake an exam.

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