Строительство » Baby holding devices for car
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Baby holding devices for car

  • 20-08-2018, 12:17

Baby holding devices for car

After amendments were made to the rules of the road (traffic rules), which entered into their legal force on November 20, drivers have many questions. One of these issues was clause 17 of the decision on changes in the rules. This applies to the transportation of children under 12 years of age. If earlier in the traffic rules it was inscribed on the obligatory special children's holding devices, now the word "special" was excluded. Thus, there were just children's holdings. As explained in the Department of Road Safety, the word "special" is excluded in connection with the fundamental formulation. It was probably abolished to save paper, only all. Judging objectively, children's devices were not required before that. It was enough to fasten the child with a seat belt. After all, the seat belt is mandatory. It follows that by putting the child not immediately on the seat, but, say, on the pillow, laid down first, you will ensure the passage of the belt not according to the neck of the child, but on the chest, which is already considered correct. Thus, you do not have to buy a chair for a child at all if you do not carry it in the front seat. After all, they are required only for the transportation of the child in the front seat. What about the if the child is not fastened with belts, you can urgently prepare the bill with the dignity of five hundred rubles, it is this penalty to you. The most optimal, of course, is not to carry a child at all, if there is no one else in the car except you. The first thing you need to follow the road, and the presence of the child always distracts. Therefore, it is optimal if you went somewhere and you need to take the child, let him go with you another member of the family, which will become a guarantor of child safety.

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